Tactical Rabbit – Investor Protection Division

“Safeguarding Your Investments with Intelligence and Vigilance”

Welcome to Tactical Rabbit’s Investor Protection Division

At Tactical Rabbit, spearheaded by HSBC whistleblower Everett Stern, we understand the critical importance of secure and transparent investment practices. Our new Investor Protection Division is dedicated to shielding investors from fraudulent schemes in the stock market, including the notorious pump-and-dump plots.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide unparalleled intelligence services to identify and prevent fraudulent activities in the financial market. We utilize advanced research techniques and data analysis to uncover deceptive practices, ensuring your investments are protected.

Services We Offer

1. Market Surveillance

  • Continuous monitoring of stock market activities.
  • Identifying irregular patterns signaling potential fraud.

2. Fraud Analysis & Reporting

  • In-depth analysis of suspicious activities.
  • Comprehensive reports on potential risks and frauds.

3. Investor Education

  • Educational resources on common fraudulent schemes.
  • Tips on how to safeguard investments.

4. Consultation Services

  • Personalized advice and strategies for investment protection.
  • Access to our team of financial intelligence experts.

Why Choose Tactical Rabbit?

1. Expertise of Everett Stern

  • Leveraging the insights and experience of the HSBC whistleblower.

2. Advanced Intelligence Techniques

  • Utilizing state-of-the-art technology and research methods.

3. Proactive Approach

  • Preventing fraud before it impacts investors.

4. Commitment to Transparency

  • Ensuring clarity and honesty in all our dealings.

Contact Us Today

Get in touch with us for more information or to see what services we can provide to help you protect your investments.